Tuesday, 10 November 2015

The Massage Room Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone Massage

The use of hot stones for healing dates back to ancient times, but it wasn't until Arizona massage therapist Mary Nelson introduced her hot stone massage technique, called LaStone Therapy, that the use of hot stones for massage caught on. 
In hot stone therapy, your therapist applies smooth, water-heated basalt stones to key points on your body. This direct heat relaxes your muscles, which means that the massage itself is more effective and intense than it would be otherwise. The size of the stones varies, according to which part of the body your therapist is treating.

What is Hot Stone Massage Good For?

It is generally accepted that the stones help to soothe an aching body. It is thought to encourage the body to detox and heal, increasing lymph flow and helping to flush out waste. With the addition of heat, your body becomes relaxed in a much shorter space of time, and your therapist can focus on a deep working of the tissues using both the stones and her hand strokes.

The stones are coated in fragrant oil to increase your sense of relaxation and calm. Oil is smoothed gently onto your body, and each stone in turn is worked by your therapist's hands.
Hot stone massage can:                                            
boost your circulation release stored tension recharge your energy levels relax you.                                              

Hot Stone Massage is said to have health benefits for people with:

muscular pain
poor circulation
rheumatic and arthritic conditions
back pain

As with all spa therapies, though, never underestimate the feel-good factor. Hot stone massage will make you feel nurtured, pampered and special.

Shoulder Pain

Here at The Massage Room, we have a brilliant record of treatment. 

If you're in pain then here is a little information before you book.

Causes of Shoulder Pain

There are two major causes for most shoulder injuries. The first being the general wear and tear. Unfortunately, the shoulder is an area that receives very little blood supply. The tendons of the rotator cuff muscles receive very little oxygen and nutrients from blood supply. This makes this area particullary vulnerable to degeneration with ageing. This is why shoulder problems in the elderly are common. This lack of blood supply is also the reason why a shoulder injury can take quite a lot of time to heal.

he second cause of most shoulder injuries is due to excessive force, or simply putting too much strain on the tendons of the shoulder muscles. This usually occurs when you try to lift something that is too heavy or when a force is applied to the arm while it's in an unusual or awkward position.

Symptoms of Shoulder Pain

There are two common symptoms of a shoulder injury, pain and weakness. Pain is not always felt when a shoulder injury occurs, however most people who do feel pain, report that it's a very vague pain which can be hard to pinpoint. Weakness, on the other hand, seems to be the most reliable symptom of a shoulder injury. Common complaints include an inability to raise your arm above your head or to extend your arm directly to the side or in front. The larger the tear or damage to the tendons, the harder it is to move your arm and the injured area.

Treatment of Shoulder Pain

The quicker you begin treatment for your shoulder pain, the better. It is also vital that within the first 48 hours of injury you should use the R.I.C.E system. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Our therapist will find the source of the problem and will use a number of techniques to correct the issue. Shoulder pain is one of the slowest areas of the body to heal due to the lack of blood supply and nutrients to the area. Regular treatments are vital if you want your shoulder to return to normal.

The Massage Room Have you Got a Pain?

The quicker you begin treatment for your  pain, the better. It is also vital that within the first 48 hours of injury you should use the R.I.C.E system. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Our therapist will find the source of the problem and will use a number of techniques to correct the issue. Shoulder pain is one of the slowest areas of the body to heal due to the lack of blood supply and nutrients to the area. Regular treatments are vital if you want your shoulder to return to normal.

The Massage Room Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release 

This is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. This essential “time element” has to do with the viscous flow and the piezoelectric phenomenon: a low load (gentle pressure) applied slowly will allow a viscoelastic medium (fascia) to elongate.

Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create Myofascial restrictions that can produce tensile pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain sensitive structures that do not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.)

The use of Myofascial Release allows us to look at each patient as a unique individual. Our one-on-one therapy sessions are hands-on treatments during which our therapists use a multitude of Myofascial Release techniques and movement therapy. We promote independence through education in proper body mechanics and movement, self treatment instruction, enhancement of strength, improved flexibility, and postural and movement awareness.

Hands-On Treatment

Each Myofascial Release Treatment session is performed directly on skin without oils, creams or machinery. This enables the therapist to accurately detect fascial restrictions and apply the appropriate amount of sustained pressure to facilitate release of the fascia.

Stress Management & How Can Massage Help?

Stress Management

The Massage Room in Caversham, treats many individuals who simply feel stressed, tired and physically drained. If you feel this way then within 10 minutes of your very first session with us you will feel your stress and tension just drifting away. Regular treatments will leave you feeling more energetic and you will have a clearer focus on life.
Prolonged periods of stress can negatively affect many systems of the body. Stress has been shown to aggravate, or even cause, such problems as heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, memory loss and decreased immune function. But it doesn’t just contribute to physical ailments. Stress can sap joy from your life, cause seemingly inexplicable fatigue, and leave you less able to enjoy your relationships and leisure activities. Loved ones can become unfortunate victims of stress in your life. You will find yourself less patient and less able to mentally engage with the people you care about.

Treatment for Stress

Massage therapy is a good antidote for stress. We know this is true even on an intuitive level. If even the untrained hands of a friend or partner can soothe aches and pains, and diminish anxiety, then imagine the effect of a Professional therapeutic massage by a trained practitioner. Even the rituals of massage come as a welcome break from our hurried lives: dimmed lights, soothing music, the pleasant fragrance of a mild oil or candle - even without massage, these might help you relax. Coupled with the right massage techniques, you’ll actually feel the stress leaving.

Massage boosts the body’s immune system, which can become compromised from extended periods of stress. Tension can build up in the muscles, causing a decrease in circulation and nutrient delivery to tissues. Manipulation of the soft tissue decreases muscular tension, increases removal of metabolic waste and promotes nutrient delivery to healing tissue. As other parts of your body try to compensate for the ache of a tight muscle, they also start to become tight and uncomfortable. Before long, an injury that began in your neck can trace to your shoulder, down your arm and into your wrist. The reaction chain can take innumerable forms, but none of them are pleasant. In short, with a therapeutic massage, stress can be significantly reduced. This, in turn, will increase energy, improve your outlook on life, and in the process boost your immune system function.

Monday, 9 November 2015

What is Deep tissue Massage?

Deep Tissue Massage 

This is applied in a systematic way, concentrating on the deeper layers of the body’s soft tissues. The aim is to release chronic patterns of tension in the body. This is done through slow strokes and deep pressure on a certain contracted area or areas. This type of massage can be therapeutic as well as corrective, and if done properly should not cause excessive pain for the client nor any strain for the therapist. Working deeply does not equate with working harder or with more effort, but is the result of specific deep tissue massage techniques combined with knowledge of the different layers of the body’s soft tissues.

What is Deep Tissue Massage?

This is a phrase that is often used by massage therapists to indicate that they will be using strong pressure, and won’t just be applying oil onto the skin. However deep tissue work is not just about the amount of pressure used.

The Massage techniques used during a deep tissue massage session can include the use of knuckles, fists, elbows, and forearms. The pace of a deep tissue massage session is usually slower than that of other massage work, to enable the therapist to pick up information from the client’s tissues, assess the best way to address the tension and contractions found, and apply careful and sensitive pressure in order to achieve a comfortable and lasting release.

Who Will Benefit from a Deep Tissue Massage? 

This type of massage is highly beneficial for people who suffer from consistent muscle pain, especially in the muscles around the neck, lower back and shoulders. This can be caused by work related postural problems, leisure activities such as gardening, sports and exercise related injuries, and can also be the end-result of long-term emotional stress and tension.

What is a Deep Tissue Massage?

The Massage therapist’s intention is to work on all the layers of the body’s soft tissues and particularly the structure, which covers and encases them – the fascia. Injury, illness or prolonged immobility can cause fascia to become stiff, hardened or stuck to adjacent structures. This in turn causes pain, reduced mobility and will eventually result in loss of function. Sometimes parts of the treatment can be uncomfortable with the possibility of pain, however, a good massage therapist should always respect your pain tolerance levels, and will work with you to find a level of pressure that is comfortable for you.

How Does a Deep Tissue Massage Work?

When a client suffers pain or stiffness in the muscles and joints this can be caused from long term muscle tension, postural imbalance, overuse or an injury. All these things can cause the muscle fibres to become shortened and tiny pockets of scar tissue to form (fibrosis). Then larger areas of scar tissue will get laid down as an injury heals. 

These shortened muscle fibres also result in reduced blood flow to the area, and will result in an inefficient removal of the metabolic waste products by the lymphatic system. The end result of this is areas of the soft tissues that become stiff, hardened, and fused together in contracted bands or sometimes known as adhesions. Normal movement becomes either reduced or impossible, and stiffness and pain will then set in. Deep tissue massage works by gently but firmly working across these bands to separate the tissues again, to lengthen shortened and contracted soft tissue structures, and to encourage efficient circulation to and from the affected area. 

Who Benefits from a Deep Tissue Massage?

People who suffer from consistent muscle pain, especially in the muscles around the neck, lower back and shoulders will greatly benefit from this type of massage. These issues can be caused by work related postural problems, leisure activities such as gardening, sports and exercise related injuries, and can also be the end-result of long-term emotional stress and tension.

What are the Benefits of a Deep Tissue Massage?

  • A release of tension and stiffness from muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints and fascia
  • Pain relief in the area worked
  • It breaks down old scar tissue and adhesions
  • Pain management
  • Increased flexibility and suppleness
  • Improved mobility, posture and physical performance
  • A faster and more efficient recovery from injury or surgery

What Can I expect After a Treatment?

When a deep tissue massage is done correctly, the benefits are experienced within the next few days. Som people experience rejuvination others feel a bit sore. It all depends on the therapy session and what was done during that treatment. Any stiffness or pain experienced after a deep tissue massage is a completely normal and should subside within 24-72 hours.

We recomend that you rest and relax as much as possible after your deep tissue massage treatment, take a warm bath or shower, and always drink lots of water and/or herbal teas. This will aid the body to eliminate any waste and toxins that have been released from the soft tissues. Always avoid caffeine and alcohol.

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a holistic therapy suitable for all ages, and may bring relief from a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. Reflexology has been shown to be affective for:
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Menopause
  • Back pain
  • Migraines, headaches
  • Sleep disorders
  • Digestive problems
  • Circulatory problems
  • Stress related disorders
  • Arthritis

Benefits of Reflexology

Stress relief

Whether you suffer from insomnia, migraines, digestive problems or fatigue, the root of many health problems can be linked to stress. Stress can be caused by our own hectic lifestyle, emotional, physical or environmental factors, it is almost completely unavoidable. Stress can be damaging to the body and mind. Under the influence of prolonged stress the body is less capable of fighting illness. Reflexology counteracts the effects of stress by promoting relaxation and bringing balance to the body.

Relaxing the Muscles

Many factors can cause muscle tension, too much time sitting in one position, lifting heavy objects, working out with weights or emotional problems are just a few. Whatever the source, when muscles become tense and over stressed the energy in our body is thrown out of balance. The nerve pathways which connect muscles to the rest of the body become congested. This can result in pain, fatigue, irritability or even more stress. Reflexology stimulates nerve endings in the feet to release the energy, relax muscles and restore physical harmony.

Improvement of the Circulation

All the body’s systems need good blood circulation in order to function well. The blood carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells and removes waste products and toxins. Stress and tension tighten up the cardiovascular system and restricts blood flow, causing it to become sluggish. This results in the tissues becoming oxygen-deprived; the energy in the body becomes depleted, making all body systems suffer. Reflexology keeps the body’s circulation flowing smoothly, which rejuvenates tired tissues.

Cleanse and Detoxify

Riding the body of waste and toxins is extremely important to your health. When the lymphatic, urinary or intestinal systems become blocked due to a build up of toxins and waste the energy in the body stagnates. This may cause you to feel bloated, lethargic or even sick. Reflexology can release these blockages, helping your body to “let go” and eliminate toxins and waste, cleansing the body of all impurities. This will encourage the body to naturally restore its own healthy balance.

Body Balance

Balance is vital for a healthy body, mind and spirit. To maintain a state of homeostasis the body needs to run smoothly. When there is a malfunction in the body it is thrown off balance. Reflexology is vital to sustain balance in every gland, organ, muscle, tissue and cell in the body, leaving all the systems of the body functioning fully, and in their natural equilibrium.

How Can Reflexology Help Me?

By working specific reflex points on the feet, this improves circulation and lymph flow, cleanses the body of impurities and revitalises energy, which will encourage the body to naturally restore its own healthy balance. Additionally, Reflexology can bring soothing stress relief and relaxation to the mind, body and spirit. The treatment can be pleasurable and extremely relaxing to receive, as well as invigorating and energising.